Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Its a good thing I don't choose all the books for book club

I went to the library booksale and picked up some books that I am pretty excited about: books by PD James, Haruki Mirakami, and Rick Moody. I read The Ice Storm by Rick Moody when I was in junior high and it was crass, but I couldn't put it down. I'd like to read it again. Other authors I liked at the time included Vladimir Nabokov and Charles Bukowski. I must have been obsessed with reading about dysfunctional sexual relationships. Of course, now I am reading Wuthering Heights, so maybe I haven't grown out of that phase.
I would also like to read Oil! by Upton Sinclair. There is a film adaptation that is coming out. It claims to be about family, money, greed and religion in Texas in the turn of the last century. I don't expect that it will relate in any way to the current political atmosphere.

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