Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I've seen better blogs

So, I don't want to say that I have given up on this blog but...
I never figured out how to add the links to the other blogs. I never know what to write about, because I don't like giving anything away. My friend that is living in Mexico has a really awesome blog that shows her doing cool things in Mexico. I don't even own a camera. I don't know how to even find pictures and move them to my blog. This is a blog rant about how difficult blogs are to maintain.
Also, I watched two movies over the break. One was called Rescue Dawn and it is totally amazing. There is a documentary about the same story called Little Dieter Needs to Fly and it is also totally awesome. Its about a guy from Germany who just wanted to learn to fly and so he came to the United States and joined the Air Force because that was the quickest way to fly. But then he ended up in the Vietnam War and he was shot down and its his story of escaping a POW camp in Laos.
The other movie was called Mysterious Skin. It was a good movie but no one should watch it ever. I am not sure what the makers wanted to communicate, but I felt like shit for three days. Don't watch it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

the writer's strike

So, I think its pretty incredible that The Writer's Guild has gone on strike. And I don't watch very much tv, but I do watch The Office and NBC just fired over 100 members of the production staff from the show. And I'm pretty pissed off. And I hope that their empire crumbles. And that cool new young people start networks more functional and more powerful than all of the television networks combined. I believe I will be writing NBC today...
To Whom it May Concern: I hope that your archaic system of enterprise implodes in a magnificent spectacle and I can't wait to dance over your rotten grave.

Anyhow, I am not sure what to do with this blog anymore. I guess I never really did know. If The Office goes under, maybe I will make it a tribute blog to Dwight. I am pretty excited to turn in my pageless poem, but no secrets will be revealed here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It would be sweet to write a poem in agar

Blood agar so that everyone would know that I really mean it. I actually haven't been having too much trouble with my pageless poem, its just that the couple things I have tried didn't work. So, sometime between now and class, something is bound to pan out.

Let's see. I always want to write about things that are inspiring me, but then I think that would give too much away. Also, I still haven't worked out the links to other pages. It's not that I love Dawn the best. It just worked out that way. So this blog has become the anti blog. The excuse for a blog. The vacuum blog where I sit and think of things to say and then write this instead.