Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Indeed so.

I thought of the long ages of the past, during which the successive generations of (these things of beauty) had run their course - year by year being born, and living and dying amid these dark and gloomy woods, with no intelligent eye to gaze upon their loveliness; to all appearance such a wanton waste of beauty...it seems sad, that...such exquisite creatures should live their lives and exhibit their charms only in these wild, inhospitable regions, (this consideration) must surely tell us that all living things were not made for man. Many of them have no relation to him...their happiness and enjoyment, their loves and hates, their struggles for existence, their vigorous life and early death, would seem to be immediately related to their own well-being and perpetuation alone.
-Alfred Russel Wallace

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Gertrude Stein is the greatest rapper to have ever lived!

If I were a dj, I'd put her over everything.

Some ideas for reading my poems aloud:

Blood packets for breaking in my mouth.

Speaking through a vocator.

Planting someone in the audience who would say every other word.

Feedback. Lots of it.

Vomit and or urinating on stage. This is possible.

We'll just have to see when we get there.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

I've seen better blogs

So, I don't want to say that I have given up on this blog but...
I never figured out how to add the links to the other blogs. I never know what to write about, because I don't like giving anything away. My friend that is living in Mexico has a really awesome blog that shows her doing cool things in Mexico. I don't even own a camera. I don't know how to even find pictures and move them to my blog. This is a blog rant about how difficult blogs are to maintain.
Also, I watched two movies over the break. One was called Rescue Dawn and it is totally amazing. There is a documentary about the same story called Little Dieter Needs to Fly and it is also totally awesome. Its about a guy from Germany who just wanted to learn to fly and so he came to the United States and joined the Air Force because that was the quickest way to fly. But then he ended up in the Vietnam War and he was shot down and its his story of escaping a POW camp in Laos.
The other movie was called Mysterious Skin. It was a good movie but no one should watch it ever. I am not sure what the makers wanted to communicate, but I felt like shit for three days. Don't watch it.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

the writer's strike

So, I think its pretty incredible that The Writer's Guild has gone on strike. And I don't watch very much tv, but I do watch The Office and NBC just fired over 100 members of the production staff from the show. And I'm pretty pissed off. And I hope that their empire crumbles. And that cool new young people start networks more functional and more powerful than all of the television networks combined. I believe I will be writing NBC today...
To Whom it May Concern: I hope that your archaic system of enterprise implodes in a magnificent spectacle and I can't wait to dance over your rotten grave.

Anyhow, I am not sure what to do with this blog anymore. I guess I never really did know. If The Office goes under, maybe I will make it a tribute blog to Dwight. I am pretty excited to turn in my pageless poem, but no secrets will be revealed here.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

It would be sweet to write a poem in agar

Blood agar so that everyone would know that I really mean it. I actually haven't been having too much trouble with my pageless poem, its just that the couple things I have tried didn't work. So, sometime between now and class, something is bound to pan out.

Let's see. I always want to write about things that are inspiring me, but then I think that would give too much away. Also, I still haven't worked out the links to other pages. It's not that I love Dawn the best. It just worked out that way. So this blog has become the anti blog. The excuse for a blog. The vacuum blog where I sit and think of things to say and then write this instead.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Its a good thing I don't choose all the books for book club

I went to the library booksale and picked up some books that I am pretty excited about: books by PD James, Haruki Mirakami, and Rick Moody. I read The Ice Storm by Rick Moody when I was in junior high and it was crass, but I couldn't put it down. I'd like to read it again. Other authors I liked at the time included Vladimir Nabokov and Charles Bukowski. I must have been obsessed with reading about dysfunctional sexual relationships. Of course, now I am reading Wuthering Heights, so maybe I haven't grown out of that phase.
I would also like to read Oil! by Upton Sinclair. There is a film adaptation that is coming out. It claims to be about family, money, greed and religion in Texas in the turn of the last century. I don't expect that it will relate in any way to the current political atmosphere.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I have been thinking lately that a great part of writing or creating anything is manipulating proportion. I usually focus on magnifying things, but maybe I could write a poem where I minimized things.

I saw one of my favorite musicians perform on TV last night and it totally sucked. Professional musicians shouldn't play the autoharp in public. Every time I see someone play the autoharp for money, I feel like it is some kind of trick. Like, what are you paying for? Anyone can do this. I know we played the autoharp in fifth grade. Its really fun.

I just realized there is an option on here to edit my posts. I could go back and change everything I've said. Which is a great option for when I change my mind. I could have been saying the same thing all along.

Also, I am feeling really inspired right now because of William Carlos Williams and a new album I heard. Life is good. I should do some writing so that I have something in my chapbook.